The iPhone is gaining a great deal of attention as a unique application platform as it opens up new possiblities for creating and distributing mobile applications. At the iPhone Developer Day we will give you an overview of what it means to be developing applications for the iPhone platform and provide advice from leading experts on how to choose the right implementation strategies.

The event is created for new iPhone developers looking for quick tips and pointers on getting started and experienced iPhone enthusiasts that are ready to push the boundries of the iPhone platform.


Raven Zachary, Creator of two Top 20 iPhone Apps, and Founder of iPhone Dev Camps 


Alex Cone, Head Trainer at iPhone Boot Camps


Jonas Schnelli, Founder include7 AG


Adrian Kosmaczewski, iPhone Expert


Patrick Linskey, iPhone Development Expert and Founder of 17th Street SW

Patrick Bönzli Software Engineer at Netcetera

Date & Venue
Zürich, Switzerland:
Thursday, 08. Oktober 2009:
iPhone Developer Days News
Organized by:

Organisatoren von JAOO, QCon and Jazoon

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