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Adrian Kosmaczewski, Adrian Kosmaczewski, Grunder der Akosma SW (iPhone App Dev Shop)
Adrian Kosmaczewski has been writing software for the past 20 years.
He started working professionally in 1996, riding the first and second
waves of the web, right from the inside. He has shipped web
applications using various technologies, as well as desktop systems
for Mac OS X, Windows and Linux.
Adrian started writing Cocoa applications for the Mac in 2002, and has
been writing iPhone apps since he returned from WWDC 2008. When not
writing software, Adrian likes to spend time with his wife Claudia. He
updates his blog and Twitter as often as possible and is happy to have
new followers every day.
Adrian is the founder of akosma software, specialized in all things
iPhone. He has studied physics in Switzerland and economics in Buenos
Aires, and holds a Master in Information Technology with a
specialization in Software Engineering from the University of Liverpool.
Presentation: "Ten Commandments for iPhone development"
Thursday 13:45 - 14:45
To be announced
Abstract: Adrian will show you 10 do's and dont's about iPhone software development, taken directly from his own experience, which will help you identify and solve potential problems in your own projects.
Presentation: "Building your first iPhone application (Tutorial: 2 hours)"
Thursday 16:45 - 18:45
To be announced
Abstract: Building a Scrum backlog application on the iPhone from scratch. The tutorial will take you through installing Xcode and the iPhone SDK on a Mac, setting up the programming environment. You will learn how to initiate a project, read and write Objective-C code, and and will take you through the following phases:
- Building the UI;
- Building the logic of the application;
- Connecting the logic and the UI;
- Test the application in the simulator;
- Deploy the application on the iPhone with provisioning profiles;
- Test, debug and optimize the application;
- Prepare the application for submission to the App Store.
- Have a Mac laptop running Leopard or Snow Leopard;
- Be prepared to write some Objective-C code...